Freedom of Religion or Belief and Women’s Rights

To mark International Women’s Day, the members, friends and observers of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance want to draw attention to the discrimination against and persecution of women based on their religion or belief. As a result of their gender, women and girls are more likely to be affected by violations of freedom of religion or belief, both in terms of frequency and in the level of severity. (1)

We note with concern how religious identity intersects with other marginalised identities to make women and girls from minority religious and belief groups especially at risk around the world. We note with particular concern how these women and girls are often subjected to abductions, forced conversions and forced marriages, with -for those able to escape from these situations – very little or no recourse to justice.

We also note with grave concern how misinterpretations of religious beliefs are being used to justify the abuse or violation of women’s human rights in countries around the world. In Afghanistan and Iran, which have seen the steepest declines globally in the respect for the human rights of women and girls over the past years, this treatment of women and girls amounts to abuses and violations of freedom of religion or belief.

That is why we call on States and all relevant actors to:

  • - recognise the deteriorating human rights situation for women and girls in countries around the world, and the authorities’ misuse of religion to justify this treatment; and engage relevant authorities calling for the full respect, protection and fulfillment of the human rights of women and girls, as per international law;

  • - work together to identify and implement best practices to support the freedom of religion or belief, and other human rights, of women and girls affected by such practices;

  • - work with international partners to ensure justice and accountability for the treatment of women and girls affected by such practices.

Signatories: Australia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sovereign Order of Malta, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States.

(1) Freedom of religion or belief for everyone: Women in focus – Stefanus Alliance, 2021


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